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The Awakening of the Hebrew Israelites
Part 2:The Awakening of the Hebrew Israelite
Hebrew Israelites and the Black Church
Israelite Awakening of a Christian Pastor
Guest: Ozine Thomas, Pastor of Viney Creek Missionary Baptist Church
Guest: Rabbi Harry Rozenberg
Part 2:Who are the Real Children of Israel?
Guest: Rabbi Harry Rozenberg
Israelites in the Boxing Ring
Guests: Steven Cunningham & Lamon Brewster
Pitfalls that Hinder Unity in the Hebrew Israelite Movement
Guest: Tariq El Shabazz
Guest: Brian Reynolds, Pastor of Grace and Truth International
Guest: Dr. Michael Laws, Pastor of Congregation Beit Ephraim
Guest: Dr. Michael Laws, Pastor of Congregation Beit Ephraim
Guest: Nasiy Nasi Mitzah
Bridging the Gap: African Hebrew Israelites and Negro Hebrew Israelites
Guest: Ada Brown (Bamileke Tribe) & Brother Koffi (Ewe/Ashanti Tribe)
Part 2:Bridging the Gap: African Hebrew Israelites and Negro Hebrew Israelites
Guest: Brother Koffi from the Ewe/Ashanti Tribe
Current Events
Creating Set-Apart Communities
Guests: Authors Huldah Dauid & Maurice Lindsey
Is Esau the White Man?
The Importance of Israelite Heritage and Nationality
Guest: Brother Shaymiah Samuel yahasarala
Autism, Mental Illness, and the Attack of the Elite against Negro Israelite Children
Guests: Tracey and Alan Davis, Jr.
Part 2:Autism, Mental Illness, and the Attack of the Elite against Negro Israelite Children
Guest: Tariq El Shabazz
“The Israelite Awakening: The Pros and Cons”. (replay)
The REAL story about the Matrix
Guests: Sophia Stewart
End Times Interview with Watchman Yahu and Deborah Yah
Guests: Watchman Yahu & Deborah Yah
Part 2:End Times Interview with Watchman Yahu and Deborah Yah
Guests: Watchman Yahu & Deborah Yah
Artist Spotlight for 1st Annual Hebrew Meet and Greet “Mitres & Headwraps”
Guests: Crunk Euro God, Real Judah, and Beloved Daud
The Truth about the Israelite Identity of the so-called Negro
Guest: Lucas Cameroon
Unifying the Remnant
Guest: Onleilove Austin
A day in the life of an Israelite
Guest: Reuben Ben Israel
Guests: Koffi (Ewe Tribe-Ghana) | Duncan (Kikuyu Tribe-Kenya) | Sis Helen (Kisii Tribe-Kenya) | Justin (Kisii Tribe-Kenya)
Are Igbos the only Hebrews in West Africa
Guests: Rabbi Akwetey Amaah and Rabbi Harry Rozenberg
African Hebrew Culture from a Woman’s Perspective
Guests: Sister Onleilove Alston, Sister Helen, & Sister Ada Anagho Brown
Who are the Real Israelites?
Guests: Divine Prospect & Rabbi Harry Rozenberg
Rebirth of a Nation: Hebrew Nation Building
Guests: Josh Cullins & Morris Williams
Is only Israel Saved?
Guests: Lucas Cameroon & Christopher Snow
“The Lost Tribes of Israel”/ Ron Dalton